
Welcome to Orchard View Schools!

Enrollment is handled by each building.  Please reference the contact information section for specific building information.  Please follow the steps below to begin the enrollment process:

Step 1 - Online Registration

Enrollment Form  <-Click Here

NOTE:  The online enrollment form requires an overnight to process to our database.  Please complete the form one business day before you intend to visit your building office with your documents.

Step 2 - Gather Required Documents

In addition to the Online Student Enrollment Form, you will also need to complete the enrollment process by bringing the following required documents to your resident building:

Required Documents:
  • Original Birth Certificate
  • Current Immunization Record
  • Parent Driver's License or State Issued Photo ID
  • Proof of Residency - Please see the Residency Verification Form for required/acceptable documents
  • Hearing and Vision Screening (Kindergarten only)
  • Other documents requiring your signature will be provided to you at the building

Step 3 - Take your documents to your child's building

Kindergarten Enrollment

We look forward to working with you and your child as you progress through these very important educational years!  All residents should complete Kindergarten enrollment by April 30th prior to the start of that school year.  Please be aware that your child may not attend class until the proper documentation is on file with the school district.

Over the past few years, legislation has changed the entry age for Kindergarten students.  For the upcoming school year, a child must be 5 on or before September 1st to register for kindergarten.

It is always our goal to provide your child with an excellent education in a safe environment.  You are our partner in this important endeavor and we welcome you to the Orchard View family!

Kindergarten Family Open House - Aug or Sep (Date TBD)

Parents will have an opportunity to learn more about our Kindergarten program at a Family Open House in August.  The building principal, teachers, and other district staff will provide details of a typical kindergarten day, what students will learn, the skills that are expected to be mastered prior to entering first grade, and answer questions about transportation and the school calendar.  The Open House will be designed for parents and students and give you a chance to tour the building and meet staff.  This will take place at each elementary building in August or September (the date and time will be communicated at a later time).

Non Residents

If you do not live within the district boundaries, you must apply for the Schools of Choice program and receive a Letter of Acceptance before you will be eligible to enroll your child.  If you have questions regarding the Schools of Choice process, please go to our Schools of Choice page for additional information.  You may also contact the Administration Office at 231-760-1300.