Free SAT Practice
SAT Partners with Kahn Academy
SAT and Khan Academy are committed to empowering student access and success in a college going culture. Students can now access which provides:
• Detailed information about the redesigned SAT, including thousands of practice questions written in partnership with the same developers creating the new exam, explanations of each section of the test, and guidance on interpreting test scores.
• Interactive questions, video lessons, and reference articles to help students practice and review the skills that research shows are essential for college readiness and that are tested on the SAT in both Math and EvidenceBased Reading and Writing.
• Short diagnostic quizzes in both Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing to help students identify the skills they should focus on.
• Personalized practice recommendations, directly tied to specific skills on the test, to make the biggest impact on student performance and overall college readiness.
• Four official full-length practice tests written by the College Board, so students can see detailed results of their work and Khan Academy can direct them to the most appropriate materials.
• Instant feedback on their answers so that students are always learning and seeing their progress.
• Study tips and suggestions for test day.
In the coming months, the College Board and Khan Academy will continue to enhance these practice tools based on feedback from students, parents, and educators, by adding new features.